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Bolsos from New York

Laura Dotolo, creadora y diseñadora de la firma Clutch Bags nos cuenta sobre como nació la marca, su inspiración y pasión por uno de los complementos mas distintivo de la mujer. Desde Manhattan sus pensamientos y palabras se acercan para que conozcas y disfrutes de las creaciones de Clutch.

Fashion Linking: A current trend in entertainment is to make holographic media presentations, do you know of any?, and in relation to this technique, Do you think you may favor the work or is just an added value?

Laura Dotolo:Se de presentaciones con medios holográficos por la exhibición de A. McQueen que fue en el Met. Fue en uno de los vestidos de Kate Moss, dando vueltas a su alrededor. Realmente fue en uno de sus shows de moda. Absolutamente hermoso. Creo que en este punto es solo un valor agregado, pero aprecio el efecto.

FL: Which is the last show that you saw, and that show is insuperable? LD: Yohji Yamamoto. So refreshing to just see silhouettes that are unexpected.

LD:​Es refrescante solo ver siluetas que son inesperadas


​​​​​​​​FL: From your perspective, fashion is an offer or also it is a demand?

LD: I believe fashion is an offer. Most people do not even realize how it penetrates their lives. A person with style can find fashion in almost anything.

Creo que la moda es una oferta. La mayoría de las personas no se da cuenta como penetra en sus vidas. Una persona con estilo puede encontrar moda en casi todo.

FL: Some people believe or explain that a trend emerges from a Top Runway, Do you think so?, Do you Think that if someone wanna could does her?

LD: No, trends emerge from the streets.

​No, las tendencias emergen de las calles.


F: At present, and by dint of some drawbacks that are present in the environment and society, social responsibility is booming. Do you think there is a real exercise in this regard or it's a marketing but not real action?

LD: Some are using it as a marketing tool to jump on a band wagon. I do think there is a path towards social responsibility. Times are getting tough, becoming different. The world market is vast, and now every country needs to produce to stay in the game, not just China.

Algunos lo utilizan como marketing para subirse a un vagón de una banda. Yo creo que hay un camino hacia la responsabilidad social. Los tiempos se están poniendo duros e comenzando a ser diferentes. El mercado mundial es enorme, y ahora cada país necesita de producir para quedar dentro del juego, y no sea únicamente China.

FL: Could you tell us about any place in the world you think or know they are special and can also be a tourist recommendation? .

LD: NYC.....we are becoming more so and I can ALWAYS recommend. I love NY!

​NYC… somos cada vez mas y siempre recomiendo. Amo NY!


FL: We know that New York inspires you and we understand that what you see on the streets, the expressions on the walls, colors and sounds you feel with intensity and a certain joy that is your creative linen, Now, Are you aware that your designs when are carried by a person are actors on stage and somehow cease to be a complement and are set out in those personality that move in the urban scene?

LD: oh, yes. I love that . I love the way you interpreted this. Fantastic. I love to see my bags out on the streets with they carry them, what they look like on each person and their style.

Oh, si. Amo esto. Amo la forma para interpretar esto. Fantástico. Amo ver mis carteras/ valijas afuera en la calle con las personas…como ellos las llevan, como se ven en cada persona y su estilo



FL: What would you like to ask and what is your response?

LD: Would people like to look more like they feel? Yes, people would ultimately, if they could free themselves from judgment, like to express their own style thru accessories and clothes. If this happened, their would be less trend, less fashion. A person possesses their own fashion inside themselves.

​Querrá la gente mostrarse mas como se siente? Si, las personas si pudieran liberarse del prejuicio, gustarían de expresar su propio estilo a través de accesorios y ropa. Si esto sucede, no seria tanto por las tendencias o la moda. La persona procesa su propia moda dentro de ella misma.


FL: What you like hear?

LD: rain


FL: What do you like to see? LD: creativity


FL: What do you like smell? LD: flowers


FL: What do you like taste? LD: salt water

Agua salada

FL: What do you like to touch? LD: leather



FL: What is your phrase currently and what your favorite phrase?

LD: Everyday is a new day. Meaning, everyday is a new start, to begin a new, to try something different, to change it up. Always a new attempt at soemthing. Never give up.

Cada día es un Nuevo día. Significa, cada día es un nuevo comienzo, para comenzar algo nuevo, probar algo diferente, cambiarlo. Siempre es un nuevo comienzo de algo. Nunca te rindas.


FL: What would you ask?

LD: what is the one thing that women value most in their lives?

​Ques es la única cosa que la mujer valora más en su vida?


FL: Most importantly, do you find happiness?

LD: Yes, I find happiness everyday. That is my duty as a human. To find a balance in life and what god has to offer me. To make the most out of life and try my best at balance in living.

Si, encuentro felicidad cada dia. Es mi deber como humano. Encontrar un balance en vida y que es lo que Dios tiene para ofrecerme. Para sacar el máximo provecho de la vida y hacer lo mejor posible para equilibrar mi vida.

THX Laura!


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